Monday, May 2, 2011

Confirmed in the Faith

I love the confirmation service at church--the young people processing with the cross, bible, communion elements, watching them serve in worship (they acolyte, usher, read the scriptures, lead joys and concerns . . .), the great music. This year it was even more special because Eli was confirmed.

Here's Eli at the beginning of the service--he was the crucifer. He also read the gospel and ushered.

Confirmation classes are just one year at our church. I've heard they can be up to 3 years in different denominations! But of course, Eli's spiritual education has been going on for a long time.

His classes involved the usual meetings with the pastor to discuss spiritual matters and the Methodist church. But the kids also went to a service at the synagogue, and one at an African-American baptist church. They did some service projects, like walking in the CROP walk, and they had a weekend retreat at a camp.

Besides the class, they also worked with faith mentors one-on-one (Eli's was our friend Steve), after which they wrote their own faith statements.

My favorite part of the service was the laying on of hands. We parents (and Steve) got to come up to the front and be part of it while Pastor Paul said this lovely blessing:

Eli Paul Nesmith, the Lord defend you with his heavenly grace
and by his Spirit confirm you
in the faith and fellowship
of all true disciples of Jesus Christ.

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