Friday, December 19, 2008

Jane: Basketweave Crochet

I got a request for instructions on how to do the basketweave crochet.

Yes, it's a front post double crochet! At least that's half of it. But the rest is easy.

The pattern: 3 fpdc, 3 bpdc (back post dc). You do a bpdc the same as a fpdc, but just from the back of the work. YO, insert the hook from right to left around the post, YO, etc.

On the next row, alternate. That makes the lovely basket weave pattern.

My foundation row is just plain dc.

Keep in mind:
  • this goes slow--each row overlaps a bit with the one before it, so you make progress about 3/8 inch at a time
  • it makes a very thick fabric. You may have to crochet your pattern bigger to make up for the thickness of the fabric . . . something I didn't consider when I started my project :-(
Now if you don't mind, I'm going to take a bit of a break from that project! As you know, I'm crocheting sans pattern, just using measurements and drawings from a couple of other patterns to guide me. I'm figuring it out as I go along in terms of decreasing, etc. And it's very tricky. I've had to start and rip out my sleeve 4x already. I'm not in a hurry or anything, but it's getting a bit tiresome.

I'll do some small projects for a bit and then come back.

And if anyone has any thoughts about how to deal with a project that looks like it might be too small, let me know. One idea I have: crocheting around the sides and shoulder seams to make it bigger. Might make pretty seams to have something different along them . . . maybe a crocheted cable, or even just a row of plain dc.

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