Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jane: beginning of the year

It's the beginning of the year; that's why my posts have dropped off a bit.

You didn't know it was the beginning of the year? Of course it is.

The year starts in late August or early September--when the school year starts. I don't know where everyone got this idea that it starts in January.

At the beginning of the year, I got my new desk calendar for my office. I bought the boys some new school supplies. They started their new grades--7th grade for Eli; 9th grade for Robbie. I started my new classes. The school year IS the year for me.

I don't recount events by which year they happened--as in 1974, 1980, 2000, 2002. I recount them by the school year: the summer after I finished 6th grade, the year I graduated from high school, the year Robbie started Kindergarten, the year Eli started Kindergarten.

Anyway, since it's the new year, we're getting used to a new schedule. I'll try to figure out when I have time to post, and get the boys to post, too. Eli has some photos of his camera collection to post, and maybe Robbie will post about marching band or some electronic creation he makes.

Until then, I hope you're having a good new year!

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