Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jane: Garden News

The boys have some flood pictures to post, but I'm going to write about something different: my garden.

For a while, I've been wanting to get rid of a bittersweet vine in the garden bed right outside my back door. It's not particularly attractive, and apparently, it's an invasive species--its offspring are popping up all over the yard! It was growing on an old laundry pole, so I needed something else viney to cover that up.

I decided to replace it with clematis. I bought two kinds: the traditional dark violet Jackmanii, which blooms in early summer:

and sweet autumn clematis, which is white, fragrant, and blooms in fall.

I left a dead bittersweet vine for them to climb on, and bought a couple of very tall stakes, too. I may need more in terms of a trellis.

I wish I had a before picture, but here's "after."

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